Monday, April 20, 2015

Home Organizing Tip-of-the-Month for May

It’s spring-cleaning time.
Choose an area to de-clutter, and gather a large garbage and/or recycle container, a box or boxes for donations/garage sale/consignment, and a box for items that go elsewhere -- i.e., don’t belong in the area you are de-cluttering.  Sort items into these containers, and then deliver the “goes elsewhere” items to their proper places.
The above organizing tip is taken from my booklet, "36 Home Organizing Ideas for Your Family Around the Year". This 16-page booklet provides month-by-month, timely tips to help you and your family organize your home. My booklet also makes a great gift to friends, family, colleagues, clients, and potential clients.  To order a hard copy, eBook version, or Android app version of my booklet, please see  I also have two additional organizing eBooks listed there, as well as a DVD.