Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Home Organizing Tip-of-the-Month for April

After you finish your taxes, use this time to get back to daily paper management.

When you get the mail, sort it the same day into different categories, such as trash, mail for yourself, mail for your spouse, and mail for each of your children. Trash should immediately go into the garbage or recycle bin. Bills should go to whoever pays them. Each category should go into a mail slot (a paper tray, cubby hole, file, etc.), and each person in the family should be made responsible for clearing out his/her slot on a daily basis.

If there are items addressed to you that you need to discuss with your spouse or kids, put that in a “discuss” slot, and clear out that slot at least once a week. If you have a stack (or box, or boxes) of old, unopened mail, add a small portion from that stack to today’s mail.

The above organizing tip is taken from my booklet, "36 Home Organizing Ideas for Your Family Around the Year". This 16-page booklet provides month-by-month, timely tips to help you and your family organize your home. My booklet also makes a great gift to friends, family, colleagues, clients, and potential clients. You can even choose to add your company logo and/or information to the booklet. To order one or more copies of my booklet, please see

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